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"Grammar is the difference of knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Treehouses and Evil Little Sisters!

Finally managed to get some screenshots of my work in progress treehouse in Minecraft.


Draining the indoor lake

Drained. Looks kinda like a chessboard.
Screwing around with lava. I also played with TNT. I spent a good bit trying to level out the water. OCD!

NEVER listen to your little sister while playing Minecraft. She told me to put lava inside. I, being somewhat braindead, agreed. It looked pretty...until the walls caught on fire. I just rebuilt the lookout and stopped the flow of water. There's still a side missing.  

K: "You broke my house!"
A: "I didn't break it. I told you to break it."
My little brother was laughing his little head off with my sister while I was screaming at the laptop.

Lesson learned. Lava pools may look pretty, but not in treehouses!

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